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OKUMURA 615X Butterfly Valves 日本OKM蝶閥

  • 發布日期:2014/6/5      瀏覽次數:3849
  • 提 供 商: 上海申弘閥門有限公司 資料大小: JPG
    圖片類型: JPG 下載次數: 264
    資料類型: JPG 瀏覽次數: 3849
    詳細介紹: 文件下載    圖片下載    

    OKUMURA 615X Butterfly Valves

    A product that offers merits through it performance and economical feature. It also reduces torque requirement through its unique OKM seat structure which make it possible to have longer seat ring life.   
    Low torque & longer life due to its unique new OKM soft touch seat: A newly developed soft touch seat that presses in with a smooth angle when the disc touches at the rubber seat.
    A lighter and smaller actuator due to the lower torque requirement: Due to the unique OKM seat development, no other products have its kinds of patented seat structure. With the reduction of its torque requirement, the actuator could be made smaller and lighter.
    FCD450 as a body material : ( 40A-300A) FCD450 is used as the body for 612X Type C and E in order to strengthen and further improve it.



    日本OKM歷史悠久 ,具有50年專業生產蝶閥、刀閘閥歷史。 公司產品所占比重:蝶閥70%,刀口閘閥25%,隔膜閥等5%。本公司銷售的OKM產品都是由日本OKM公司進口或引進日本OKM公司技術在制造的,具有*的控制和密封性能。主要銷售產品包括OKM公司的蝶閥、刀口閘閥夾套保溫閥;驅動方式有手動、齒輪傳動、氣動及電動可供選擇。另外根據產品的使用工況要求,閥體材料及密封結構可有多種優化配置以滿足客戶對產品規格的不同需求,使閥門在多種壓力、溫度及介質條件下確保密封性、抗磨性、耐蝕性及安全性。